Neonskilt "Coffee Open"
299 kr.
Afhent på lager | 0,- |
GLS - Pakkeshop | 0,- |
GLS - Erhvervslevering | 59,- |
GLS - Hjemmelevering | 99,- |
Danske Fragtmænd | 299,- |
Tilbehør der passer til:
- Neonskilt med skriften "Coffee Open"
- Perfekt til café, bistro, kantine og lignende
- Størrelse: 35x2,5x45cm
- Neonskiltet kan både hænges i kæden som medfølger eller nemt skrues op på væggen.
- Strømforsyning medfølger
Neon sign "Coffee Open"
- Get the attention of passing customers with this neon sign.
- Neon signs glow in mixed colours.
- Perfect for cafés, bistros, canteens and the like.
- Multiple uses!
- Includes chain for hanging either in your shop window or on the wall.
- With two screws, the neon sign can also be easily screwed into the wall, which creates a cool look in your shop (screws not included)
- With neon tubes you achieve the effect that the light spreads 360 degrees.
- More than 50% less power consumption than fluorescent and incandescent bulbs
- Indoor use only.
- Size: 35x2,5x45cm
- Chain length: 60cm.
- Power cable length: 150 cm.
- Weight: 1,4kg
- Incl. chain for hanging.
Varenr.: | COFFEE-OPEN-A032 |
Vægt | 1,4 |