Studio 57 "Dust-off" Vinyl set

  • Cleaning kit for your vinyls and your pickup needle.
  • Velvet cleaning brush to remove dust on the records.
  • Small "toothbrush" to clean the vinyl brush itself.
  • Carbon fiber brush to clean the pickup needle.

Studio 57 Dust-off Vinyl sæt

8 anmeldelser

149 kr.

20+ på eget lager. Leveringstid: 1 hverdag
Afhent på lager 0,-
GLS - Pakkeshop 0,-
GLS - Erhvervslevering 59,-
GLS - Hjemmelevering 99,-
Danske Fragtmænd 299,-

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  • 3-i-1 rensesæt til dine vinyler og din pickup-nål

Studio 57 "Dust-off" Vinyl set

  • Cleaning kit for your vinyls and your pickup needle.
  • Velvet cleaning brush to remove dust on the records.
  • Small "toothbrush" to clean the vinyl brush itself.
  • Carbon fiber brush to clean the pickup needle.

Varenr.: S57-03
Vægt 0,09
